Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Review: Bake Until Bubbly: The Ultimate Casserole Cookbook

Bake Until Bubbly: The Ultimate Casserole Cookbook
Bake Until Bubbly: The Ultimate Casserole Cookbook by Clifford A. Wright

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm not sure why so many people have given this book negative reviews! All I can figure is laziness. The author actually asks you to cook instead of open a can of high sodium crap. I bookmarked the heck out of this one and intend to use it often! Catchy title too :c)

View all my reviews

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Review: Make Your Own Soda: Syrup Recipes for All-Natural Pop, Floats, Cocktails, and More

Review: True Magick

Review: The Well-Read Witch: Essential Books for Your Magickal Library

Review: 20 Christmas Cookie Recipes

Review: 33 Healthy Soup Recipes

Review: Better Homes and Gardens Garden Fresh Meals

Review: AARP/Betty Crocker Cooking for Two

Review: Cool Tools in the Kitchen

Cool Tools in the Kitchen
Cool Tools in the Kitchen by Kevin Kelly

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Crystal is so going to curse whoever wrote this book! My "Santa" list just tripled!!!

View all my reviews

Summertime Recipes On the Go!