Friday, June 8, 2012

A Good Thing Just Got Better!

Good morning readers!

I am here this morning with VERY exciting news!

My favorite organizer software "All My Movies" has a new version!  CLICK HERE to download and try it free for 30 days!

With All My Movies you can:
- Catalog your movies with almost no typing
- Get movie and TV series details automatically from internet movie database (
- Organize movies on your internal/external hard drive(s)
-S tore extended cast details like actor's photo, biography, etc
- Know how many movies you have
- Keep track of the movies you've seen and write your own impressions of them
- Become a movie expert :c)

All My Movies has way too many features to list them all here...but here are a few of my favs.:
- Easily import details/episode information from
- Export collection to pdf (and other formats) so you can print a list to have with you (I mean really, who hasn't been at the store, found a great deal on DVD's and not know exactly what you already have?)...
- Loan manager, lets you mark who has your movies and when they borrowed them!

Seriously folks...this is amazing software!  Try the free trial and you will definitely want to buy it!

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