Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Perry's pastor pal Jeffress called 'a poster boy for hatred'

Story courtesy of USA Today:

Have you been condemned by Gov. Rick Perry's pastor pal Robert Jeffress yet today?

If not, you can check out the Morman-faith-bashing pastor in his own voice at Right Wing Watch. Or read up on how Jeffress told First Baptist Dallas on Sunday that

- Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Mormonism are all false religions and I stand by those statements.

Oh, and Catholicism, too. Religion News Service's daily roundup updates us on Jeffress' Catholic-bashing, noting the Catholic League item today on Jeffress, who last year had this to say about Catholicism:

- "Much of what you see in the Catholic Church today doesn't come from God's word. It comes from that cult-like pagan religion. Isn't that the genius of Satan?"

League voice Bill Donohue calls Jeffress,

- a poster boy for hatred, not Christianity.

RNS also catches us up with the questionable legality of the pastor's politicized preaching.

Americans United for the Separation of Church and State has asked the IRS to investigate whether Dallas Pastor Robert Jeffress flouted federal law when he put a video clip about his endorsement of presidential candidate Rick Perry on the church's web site.

The Satan-slinging religious exchanges in the presidential primary campaign so far are starting to sound like an episode from South Park.

However, Southern Baptist theologian Al Mohler upholds the idea that voters of faith might likely want to choose a candidate who shares their Biblical worldview. But no way is he climbing out on the ledge with Jeffress. Mohler blogs:

...We must be honest and acknowledge that there are non-Christians or non-evangelicals who share far more of our worldview and policy concerns than some others who identify as Christians. The stewardship of our vote demands that we support those candidates who most clearly and consistently share our worldview and combine these commitments with the competence to serve both faithfully and well.

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